About Me

But really, it's all about YOU. I've been there, and I can help.

I've followed Jesus for 30+ years but my faith had to stretch and grow

... Do you relate?

What I believe about God, the world and myself used to fit into neat little categories and I thought there was an answer to every question.

But my real life hasn't been neat or tidy. I tired of easy answers and spiritual band aids. And I grew desperate for a faith with room for every struggle, every joy, every person. I needed a faith that reflected the actions, choices, and heart of Jesus as revealed in the gospels.

I've learned to embrace mystery, and that the only certain thing is that God - Father, Son and Spirit - is better than we think, always.

A little more about me...

My favorite thing about God is the way God uses the hard and ugly things in our lives to bring beauty and goodness.

In addition to being a Certified Spiritual Director, I am a Hospice Chaplain, a writer and retreat speaker.

I have been teaching, shepherding and mentoring believers and seekers for almost 30 years, in a variety of contexts: College ministry, women’s ministry, in the Nonprofit world with underserved children and their families, and now the elderly, sick, and dying.

Most of us are in the midst of our stories, and I've stopped telling mine as if everything is wrapped up with a bow. The best compliment is when people feel safe to show up as their real selves with me. 


I have a Masters in Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership from Friends University (May 2022), and received my training and certification as a Spiritual Director through Portland Seminary (May 2024).

Random facts

I am a writer and a reader, journaling daily and reading 100+ books/year. I'm fascinated by pop culture, an interest my husband does not understand. I am mother to 3, grandmother to 1, and have been married for 20 years. I live in Nebraska, but if you ask where I'm from I will always answer Texas. My favorite place to be is my back porch on a sunny day.

How can I serve you?

I'd love to hear your faith story, to help or bear witness. Please reach out if I can serve you in any way!

Join the Belonging and Becoming Community

I host a community on substack (Substack.com or download the app, it's super easy!) Every month I send out a newsletter with a brief reflection, a simple spiritual practice, and a breath prayer. I've found that it is super easy to respond and interact on Substack and it's turning into a non-social media place I enjoy connecting. I hope you'll join me!

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