Does your soul

need space to breathe?

Spiritual direction provides a safe place for you to explore being fully human and fully alive. Make space to listen to your own life, untangle what's tangled up, hold what's unraveling, care for your soul and spirit. If you're looking for a spiritual companion - not an expert or a teacher, but a friend to come alongside you, spiritual direction might be for you.

A spiritual director is a soul friend, a listener, a companion. I am with you not as an expert or a teacher, but to provide a safe place for you to explore being fully human and fully alive.

Spiritual direction offers freedom for:

  • Navigating doubts and crises of faith
  • Asking questions in seasons of discernment & decision making
  • Deepening and expanding your prayer life
  • Learning spiritual practices that help you connect to God and yourself
  • Exploring questions of calling and vocation
  • Finding “unforced rhythms of grace” (Mtt 11:28, The MSG)
  • Seeking deeper intimacy with Jesus
  • Anything! All areas of your life are available for spiritual direction, nothing is off limits.
Spiritual Direction can be especially helpful for those in caring professions and vocational ministry: Pastors, leaders, teachers, healthcare professionals, and counselors. You will find space for your struggles, questions and burdens as you hold the burdens of others.


Untangling church hurt: I've spent 30 years in the evangelical world and I love the Church but have first hand experience with the harm that's caused when we choose theology over people.


Contemplative Spiritual Practices such as Centering prayer, Lectio Divina, the Examen, Rule of Life. 

Enneagram for Spiritual Growth: I've been studying the enneagram (from textbooks, not instagram memes) for over 10 years. 

Grief:  I have training and experience holding hard things, and finding the invitations present in our losses.

Stages of Faith and Deconstruction/Evolving faith: You will find a safe place for your questions, doubts, and conundrums. I am not going to try to convert or convince you, but I will help you hold onto the Good.

New to Spiritual Direction?

Request a free 30 minute introduction to explore what spiritual direction might look like for you.

Returning Clients

Click here to schedule your next session.


Click here to send me an email (Although you might want to check the FAQ below first!)

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Spiritual Direction different from pastoral ministry, coaching, mentoring, or counseling?

How is Spiritual Direction different from pastoral ministry, coaching, mentoring, or counseling?


Coaches and mentors offer wisdom or advice from their experience and training that will help you achieve your personal or vocational goals in the future. Counseling typically seeks to solve relational or personal problems and alleviate pain.

Spiritual Direction offers space to look for God’s activity in your life experiences and any problems you encounter. 

Practically, the biggest difference in Spiritual Direction is more silence. I will listen, ask questions,  and make observations or connections but you will do the majority of the talking. We will frequently stop for you to spend time in silence, checking in with yourself, listening for God's voice.

The core belief in Spiritual Direction is that God is at work in all arenas of your life, inviting you into further relationship and connection. We will look together for the intersection between God's movement and your longings. 

Can I do Spiritual Direction online?

Can I do Spiritual Direction online?


Yes, I am available to meet locally in person, and on zoom for those outside of Lincoln, NE. The majority of my spiritual direction clients meet with me over zoom.

How often do I meet with my Spiritual Director?

How often do I meet with my spiritual director, and for how long?


Most people meet with their Spiritual Director monthly, others seek Spiritual Direction for a season. Frequency is entirely up to you. 

My Spiritual Direction appointments are available in 1 hour blocks for individuals.

What is the commitment? Am I obligated to see you monthly, indefinitely?

What is the commitment? Am I obligated to see you monthly, indefinitely?


Most people see their Spiritual Director monthly or quarterly.

How long we will continue to meet will vary according to your needs. If you have a specific question or issue you are working through, we can continue to meet as long as you need. Many in caring professions (pastors, leaders, counselors etc.) find it helpful to meet with a Spiritual Director on an ongoing basis.

If you see me regularly for Spiritual Direction but decide to stop or transition to another Director, I ask that you would let me know in our last meeting together so we can finish well (something we could all use more practice with!)

How much does Spiritual Direction cost?

How much does Spiritual Direction cost, and how do I pay?


Our first conversation is always free.

1 hour of individual Spiritual Direction costs $60. Most clients pay by Venmo. If that fee is out of reach for you, please ask about my sliding income scale using the contact/question form above. I want Spiritual Direction to be available to everyone, regardless of financial situation.

How does one train to be a Spiritual Director?

How does one become qualified to be a Spiritual Director?


There are a variety of training programs, both accredited and not, academic and not. I have a Masters in Spiritual Formation and Leadership (Friends University) that included spiritual direction classwork, and have completed a two year Spiritual Direction training and certification program through Portland Seminary. I am a member of the Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association (ESDA) and Spiritual Directors International (SDI). I see my own Spiritual Director regularly, and regularly participate in Supervision for my own spiritual care and accountability.

Join the Belonging and Becoming Community

I host a community on substack ( or download the app, it's super easy!) Every month I send out a newsletter with a brief reflection, a simple spiritual practice, and a breath prayer. I've found that it is super easy to respond and interact on Substack and it's turning into a non-social media place I enjoy connecting. I hope you'll join me!

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